Monday 7 February 2011

WikiLeaks superhero or villan?

Wiki leaks is a websight that tries to open up and publicise all the government's secretes. Wiki Leaks seems to be hugely contravertial and is  loved by most public people and hated by all politicians. Wiki leaks is most famous for publicising the civilian deaths of the iraqi war. The organisation has won a number of awards, including 'The Economist's' New Media Award in 2008 and Amnesty International's UK Media Award in 2009.At the same time, several U.S. government officials have criticised WikiLeaks for exposing classified information. Several human rights organisations requested with respect to earlier document releases that WikiLeaks adequately redact the names of civilians working with international forces. Wiki leaks has been critiscised not just for exposing classified information but what people are most intersested about and so are the authority's, is how do they get their information, could they be breaking the law. The U.S government is still trying to prosecute Julian Assange for exposing information about the war in iraq during the year of 2007.

In my opinion I believe that the public have the right to know what their government is doing and should have a voice in what decissions they make, therefore to me wiki leaks is a hero.