Monday 27 September 2010

Why shouldn't skate board down a hill with nothing but a wet-suit peeled down to your waist...

It was a sunny afternoon, i was just walking back from the sea with a body board in my hand and a skateboard in the other. I stood at the top of a huge, steep country lane with a large sign saying '14%', indicating the incline of the road. I handed my body bord to my friend who was standing next to me, and before he could say anything I was already on my way down. I started gaining speed rapidly, on part of me was saying jump off, and the other was saying 'Let's keep going!'. It got to a point about 30 seconds after I started going down that I started panicking because I was going about thirty miles per hour and still gaining speed, without even thinking, almost like an instinct i jumped off on to my feet. Obvously I was going too fast to run and tripped, before I knew it I got a glimpse of my arms leaping in front of me, before smahing into the hard concrete of the road. To this day I'm still not exactly sure of what happened, all I remember was jumping straight to my feet, and then having the suddnen realisation that my hip was hacked up, with bits of skin and flesh hanging off it, and blood running down my wet-suit. I wasn't thinking properly because I was in so much shock, and I had so much adrenaline pumping through my system, so I grabbed my board and decided to skateboard home because I was so embaressed about my stupidity. I was about three quaters of the way home after about five minutes when the pain hit me, I looked at my feet and saw my toe quite badly cut, and blood on my board from not only my feet but my hip. I also noticed that about ten small lumps of grit stuck in the heels of both my feet. What was most worrying was I still hadn't really noticed how badly hurt I was until I notice the faces of the people passing past in their cars, all gasping and shocked. The pain was worst on the last fifty meters of the journey home, the pain was so agganising that I couldn't stop myself from shouting. When I reached my grandmothers house I got taken to A & E where I spent four hours getting patched up. An experiance I will never forget, but of course it hasn't stopped me from getting back on my board :)